Between his participation in the IDI Board meeting and the meeting on INTOSAI standards in Oslo, Mr Jan van Schalkwyk; Corporate Executive at SAI South Africa and chair of the CBC Task Force on INTOSAI Auditor Professionalisation (TFIAP) was invited to the Swedish NAO in Stockholm. Jan van Schalkwyk held two much appreciated seminars on the topic “Professionalisation in the INTOSAI Community“, describing the importance of the four fundamentals defining professionalism, none of which can be excluded in SAIs’ work to earn public trust with the help of competent people.
Please find Jan’s presentation here: CBC presentation on professionalism
For further information on the topic of professionalisation within INTOSAI please see: Guide: Pathways for Professional Development of Auditors in SAIs and The INTOSAI Competency Framework.
Also read the CBC website’s page for TFIAP to learn more: