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Task Force on Citizen Participation and Civil Society Engagement (TFCP)


The importance of promoting collaboration and engagement between the public sphere and the citizenry, usually represented by organised civil society, has been recognised in various international fora, both within the United Nations system and within the external government audit community composed of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs).

Civil society organisations also played an important role in the development of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda, through their contributions and inputs to intergovernmental discussions and sessions of the Open Working Group (OWG) of the Sustainable Development Goals, helping to shape the SDGs as we know them today.

At a global webinar of the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee (CBC) in June 2020, attendees from all INTOSAI regions confirmed the need for guidance on SAI engagement with civil society, given the global recognition of civil society as a key actor and partner for participation in governance, development and accountability ecosystems.

In 2022 this task force on Citizen Participation and Civil Society Engagement (TFCP) formed under the lead of SAI Peru.



About the workstream
ToR and workplan
Task force meetings

Members of workstream

TFCP Members List (EN)


SAI Peru (chair)

Mr Aldo Renato Adamo Otero:
Subgerencia de Cooperación y Relaciones Internacionales /
Subdirectorate of Cooperation and International Relations
Contraloría General de la República del Perú (SAI Peru)

Teléfono: +511-330-3000 / Anexo: 2675