The CBC Chair, Mr Kimi Makwetu, and Vice Chair, Mr Magnus Lindell, attended the INTOSAI Governing Board meeting in Graz 5-6 November to report on the committee’s progress and take part in strategic discussions on the audit of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and INTOSAI’s standard setting processes and priorities. The report (links below) dealt with the progress made since the 69th Governing Board meeting in Abu Dhabi with regard to the strategic objectives, key initiatives and priorities of the CBC, as well as the committee’s management of key risks.
The Chair reported on the results of the recent CBC annual meeting and some of its highlights;
· The CBC’s first year as the governance lead for the SAI Performance Measurement Framework.
· Work by all CBC work streams, including the Task Force on INTOSAI Auditor Professionalisation (TFIAP) progress towards its first deliverables planned for end of 2018, consultation within the INTOSAI community targeted for 2019, the new CBC project group in support of SAIs in fragile situations and the global conference on peer reviews planned for June 18-20 in Bratislava, Slovakia.
· The dynamic synergy session between the CBC and the INTOSAI Donor Cooperation relating to the support to SAIs in fragile situations.
· The Regional Forum for Capacity Development which promoted the Framework for Regional Professionalization adopted at XXII INCOSAI, using AFROSAI-E as a fine example of how various stakeholders can effectively cooperate in the interest of strengthened professionalism.
The Governing Board approved the revised CBC terms of reference as previously approved by the CBC Steering Committee.
2. CBC revised Terms of Reference
3. SAI PMF Annual Progress Report 2017
4. SAI PMF Communication Strategy
5. SAI PMF Independent Advisory Group Report 2017
The Governing Board also expressed its support for issues raised in the joint statement Joint Statement-Goal Chairs presented by the chairs of the Professional Standards Committee and Knowledge Sharing Committee. The full minutes from the meeting will be available on the INTOSAI website once finalized.