On 16 December at 2 pm CET – Welcome to join the upcoming webinar arranged by INTOSAI CBC Auditing in complex and challenging contexts (ACCC) on the theme “Working with Parliaments, in particular Public Accounts Committees”.
In many countries Parliaments are our key stakeholders. When our financial audits are produced, when our performance audit reports are published, their impact is increased substantially if the parliament receives the audits and uses them to hold the government to account. In many cases the key parliamentary vehicle to do this is a public accounts committee or financial oversight committee. In this context, one of the key roles of a SAI’s senior management is to nurture the relationship with parliamentarians and their staff, ensuring that there is a mutual understanding of roles and the development of trust. This webinar will explore the experiences of two very different SAIs who are working with parliaments’ whose PACs are relatively new. They will share with us a little of the history of why, when, and how their PACs were established, how as a SAIs they work with their PACs, and what challenges they face. They will also touch briefly on other ways they work with their parliaments. From SAI Tunisia we will hear from Mr. Nejib GTARI, First President of the Court of Accounts Tunisia and from SAI Kosovo we will hear from Mr Ilir Salihu, Deputy Auditor General.
The webinar series has been designed primarily for Heads of SAIs and senior managers but is open to any SAI members who wishes to participate. The webinars typically last for an hour and a half including a brief presentation and comments and questions from participants.
Join via the following link: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/ba5e079eaa1f4fdfbf1aec8375c34677
During this webinar, participants are encouraged to ask questions and share their own experiences. You are welcome to send questions in advance to David Goldsworthy david.goldsworthy@developmentaction.co.uk or Anna Jannesson anna.jannesson@riksrevisionen.se.