Valuable on-line learning programme on auditing Governments’ performance in managing oil and gas contracts
As you may be aware, in June this year, the Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA) launched an online learning course on how to audit government’s performance in managing oil and gas contracts, on the AFROSAI-E Learning Portal (ALP). Auditors from SAIs who want to increase or test their knowledge in this field can access this course for free and at their convenience. We are very pleased to inform you that this course is now also available in Arabic and French.
Auditors from SAIs in countries that are exploring and producing oil and gas will greatly benefit from completing this course. The course content is especially useful for SAI auditors in countries using a PSA (Production Sharing Agreement) or an Exploration and Production Sharing Contract. The course includes four modules of about 15 minutes each:
Module 1: Auditing government’s contract management to protect public interest
To understand the typical structure of production sharing contracts for managing the petroleum sector
Module 2: The role of SAIs and system-based performance audits in the petroleum sector
To explain the purpose and key characteristics of the various approaches to performance auditing
Module 3: Understand fiscal terms and the importance of controlling petroleum costs
To understand why and how to move beyond compliance auditing in the petroleum sector
Module 4: Planning a system-based performance audit on government contract management
To understand different steps in a system-based performance audit in the petroleum sector
We encourage SAIs to inform their staff about this online learning opportunity. To access the course, staff should go to, click on the e-learning tab and complete a new registration. They will receive an email confirming access within 24 hours, after which they can log in with their selected username and password.
Queries regarding the course can be sent to Marlise Finaughty at: