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Invitation to CBC Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden 8-10 September, 2015.


SONY DSCDear CBC colleague,

lt is with great pleasure that we herewith invite you to the next CBC Annual Meeting, this time hosted by the Swedish National Audit Office and the CBC Vice Chair.

The meeting will take place in Stockholm, Sweden, on 8-10 September, and we will be happy to welcome all partidpants to a reception at Hotel Kung Carl in the evening of the 8 September (

This is also where rooms have been reserved for the meeting week, and it is important that you please submit the booking reference no. 685183 when making your reservation to obtain the group rate of 1600 SEK/pp/night.

The meeting itself will take place a few blocks away, at the venue of Finlandshuset  (

Having listened to the feedback we received after last year’s meeting in Lima, the meeting will have a slightly different format this year:

Day 1:            Work stream meetings and Capacity Development Forum (regional round-table discussions). Session open for all members.

Day 2:            All day CBC meeting

Day 3:           All day CBC meeting, closing with CBC Steering Committee Meeting.
There will be two themes, closely aligned with the INTOSAI agenda and the themes of the upcoming Congress, and we look very much forward to engaging with you around the following topics from a CBC point of view:

Theme 1: Professionalization  of auditors

Theme 2: SAI capacity and relevance from a Post 2015 deve/opment agenda perspective

The meeting will also discuss the input of the CBC with regards to Goal 2 of the new strategic plan of INTOSAI 2017-2022, and the priorities for the coming period.

Please see the full program including meeting documentation here.

We look very much forward to a fruitful meeting and to seeing you in Stockholm in September!

Yours sincerely,


Kimi Makwetu                                                                                Magnus Lindell

Auditor General of South Africa                                                Deputy Auditor General of Sweden

Chair of INTOSAI CBC                                                                Vice Chair of INTOSAI CBC




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