Post-meeting documentation 2022
Agenda and powerpoints
CBC Steering Committee meeting main ppt
Draft agenda CBC SC 2022 (update1309)
Group session outcome (Mentimeter)
Documents approved in advance by the steering committee
Overview of pre-approved documents 2022
New documents for approval
Motion on sustainable participation in INTOSAI meetings/events (20220913)
Goal 2 Operational Plan for Goal 2 2023-25
Please find the updated Goal 2 Operational plan as adopted by the CBC steering committee here: CBC Operational Plan
Brief reports on key issues/developments
New SAI PMF Implementation Strategy 2023-2028, SAI PMF Progress Report 2022 and the SAI PMF Independent Advisory Group (IAG) Insights 2022
New task force on Citizen Participation in Audit – ToR for INTOSAI CBC TFCP (endorsement version)
Documents to be endorsed by GB and/or Congress (Goal 2 Operational Plan, ISSAI 150 final with Guid 1950 and Guid 1951, and HR Management Guide).