Steering Committee
CBC steering committee meeting 2023
This physical meeting will be hosted by SAI Jamaica in May/June 2023.
Solutions for digital participation will be investigated.
Steering committee details
The CBC Steering Committee is led by the CBC Chair and consists of the following members:
- Chairs of the CBC Work Streams;
- At least one representative from each INTOSAI region (AFROSAI, ARABOSAI, ASOSAI, CAROSAI, EUROSAI, OLACEFS and PASAI). The regions are represented by the chair of their capacity development committee (or equivalent) and/or by their General Secretariat.
- The chair (and possible vice chair) of the Professional Standards Committee and Knowledge Sharing Committee.
- One representative of the INTOSAI Development Initiative.
- One representative of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation.
One representative of the INTOSAI General Secretariat is invited as an observer.
Earlier Steering committee meetings
Digital SC meeting 2022
Please find the meeting documentation here: Post meeting documentation CBC steering committee 2022
Digital SC meeting 2021
Please find the documentation here: 29 September 2021 CBC steering committee meeting
Digital SC meeting 2020
Please find the documentation here: 15 September 2020 CBC steering committee meeting
Tokyo 2019
20190910 Draft minutes CBC steering committee 3 July
CBC annual meeting evaluation 2019
Find the post-meeting documentation here:
Find members here
Cooperative audits | Peru |
Peer reviews | Slovakia |
IntoSAINT | Mexico |
ACCC | Sweden |
Guides | Kenya |
TFIAP | South Africa |
SAI PMF | South Africa |
South Africa
Gen Secr Capacity chair |
Senegal |
Gen Secr Capacity chair |
Tunisia |
Gen Secr Capacity chair |
People’s Republic of China
Japan |
Gen Secr Capacity chair |
Cayman Islands |
Gen Secr Capacity chair |
Poland |
Gen secr Capacity chair |
Brazil |
Gen Secr Capacity issues |
New Zealand
New Zealand |
The chair (and possible vice chair) of the Professional Standards Committee | Brazil, European Court of Auditors |
The chair (and possible vice chair) of the Knowledge Sharing Committee | India |
One representative of the INTOSAI Development Initiative | Norway |
One representative of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation | Saudi-Arabia, United States |