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Contribute with news items

The CBC welcomes news items related to SAI capacity development. We invite contributions for INTOSAI bodies and Supreme Audit Institutions as well as from their partners and relevant stakeholders. News items can relate to new initiatives and upcoming events, lessons learned and experiences worth sharing or research and reflections on new trends and developments.

Please write a text and send your contribution to or, preferably with a logo or picture attached to go with the text.

Contribute with a blog item

The CBC Secretariat continuously strives to make sure that the website is active and current, in part by inviting different people in the INTOSAI community to write a relatively informal text, in a blog-submission (about 500 words) for the CBC website.

We are looking for submissions that are focused on ideas, reflections or observations of general interest, i.e. topics and issues that can encourage reflection, be inspiring or broaden the horizons of other readers in the SAI community. The text should be written from your personal perspective, based on your experiences.

All contributions pass via the CBC Editorial Board before publication.

Please send your text to or We also kindly ask you to provide us with a photograph for publication.

Contribute to the CBC document library

Please, contribute by sending us capacity development resources, guides, tools and papers from your SAI or region, as well as peer review materials. We will publish it in the document library as soon as possible.

Send the material to


AFROSAI-E: Final 2022 issue of the Bulletin

AFROSAI-E Bulletin no 10 available

IT'S A WRAP! Over 160 colleagues from regional SAIs and partner organisations participated in the AFROSAI-E Technical Conference in Pretoria, South Africa, and many colleagues also tuned into the live stream of the event. Numerous highlights made this first...

Towards INCOSAI: Goal 2 Operational Plan

Towards INCOSAI: Goal 2 Operational Plan

  Following the very successful meeting of the INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform (IRCP) in Oslo earlier this year, the CBC crafted the first ever Operational Plan for INTOSAI’s Strategic Goal 2 (Capacity Development).  The plan was developed to support Goal...