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To catch the audience of Europe before going on annual leave, the second webinar of the CBC series took place already on 17 June and attracted well over 300 attendees in total, which again was a fantastic number of participants.

A wonderful line-up of presenters had agreed to share views and experiences on the day’s topic from their own environments. In the morning session the European Commission was represented by Susanne Wille (Senior Expert, Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development) who spoke on A donor perspective SAI-CSO/citizen engagement. She was followed by Kimi Makwetu (CBC Chair and Auditor-General of South Africa) giving his views on the experience of SAI South Africa’s CSO cooperation, including cooperation in the context of COVID-19. Also, Albert van Zyl (Director, IBP South Africa) shared experiences from cooperation with the International Budget Partnership & the Social Audit Network on social audits in SAI South Africa.

Also, SAI India’s Sri R. G. Viswanathan (Assistant Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General of India) made a presentation on SAI India’s cooperation with civil society and Aida Maria Talavera of the SAI Philippines (Director, Office of Chairperson of the Commission on Audit) shared the experiences of the Citizen Participatory Audit approach of SAI Philippines. Finally, Claire Schouten (Senior Program Officer, International Advocacy of the International Budget Partnership) gave a global overview of SAI – citizen/CSO engagement.

In the afternoon session the program was close to the same, but with a slightly changed speakers list adjusted to the time zone. The additional speakers were:  Ed Olowo-Okere (Global Director, Governance Global Practice of the World Bank, and Donor Chair of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation), who gave a donor perspective on SAI-CSO/citizen engagement. The SAI Peru / OLACEFS Chair Aldo Adamo also engaged and spoke on Citizens’ involvement in public audit in Peru and across OLACEFS. Jeanette Calder, Executive Director, Jamaica Accountability Meter Portal (JAMP) gave a presentation on the value of tracking instruments (such as JAMP) strengthening transparency and accountability. Pamela Monroe-Ellis, AG of Jamaica and Secretary General of CAROSAI also joined her. SAI Netherlands’ Egbert Jongsma, Audit Manager, spoke on citizen involvement in the audits of the Netherlands Court of Audit, and in relation to the audit of SDG readiness, SAI Ghana’s Kweku Ogbert gave a presentation about a mobile application called CitizenEye aimed to limit fraud, developed together with GIZ.

The theme and the inspiring talks of the webinar were very well received by the audience, proven by the engagement on-line and the many questions coming in during the sessions. Time did allow for some questions at the end of the session for the presenters to answer. However, the CBC secretariat will attend to questions that was not covered, separately.

Please find below the link to view and download the recordings, as well as the presentations given during both sessions. N.B. you will need a password to open the links,


First session recording link, click here

Password for the first session: mPUsezt5.

1. ppt Kimi Makwetu – Introduction

2. ppt Susanne Wille EC

3. ppt Kimi Makwetu AGSA

4. ppt Albert van Zyl IBP SA

5. ppt R G Viswanathan SAI India 

6. ppt Aida Talavera SAI Philippines

7. ppt Claire Schouten IBP


Second session recording link, click here

Password for the second session: KscVwFp9.

1. ppt Kimi Makwetu – Introduction

2. ppt Ed Olowo Okere World Bank

3. ppt Kimi Makwetu AGSA

4. ppt Albert van Zyl IBP SA

5. ppt Aldo Adamo SAI Peru

6. ppt Jeanette Calder JAMP

7. ppt Egbert Jongsma NCA

8. ppt Kweku Obeng GIZ Ghana

9. ppt Claire Schouten IBP

We do look forward to seeing you again on 6-7 October for the next webinar on the theme:
SAIs auditing of donor funds. Keep an eye on the website for further information in due course.

Thank you to all panelists and participants!

Note: All registered participants will receive the webinar materials by e-mail. The same materials will be published on the website as soon as they are available.