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Regional Forum for Capacity Development



It is CBCs ambition to create a space for exchange of ideas about current strategic issues affecting regional organizations, and explore

workable solutions, involving all relevant stakeholders.  The Regional Forum will also continue to focus on increased coordination of INTOSAI-

wide efforts aimed at addressing the current regional capacity development challenges.



See the INTOSAI Framework for Regional Professionalism here: INTOSAI Framework for Regional Professionalism



Regional Organizations promote INTOSAI’s goals regionally, thus

providing members with opportunities of professional and

technical cooperation on a regional basis. The INTOSAI

Governing Board has recognized the following seven Regional

Organizations: INTOSAI Regions.

About RFCD

In 2013 in Beijing, the Governing Board of INTOSAI tasked the Capacity Building Committee with putting specific emphasis “on INTOSAI regions and interregional cooperations” (the INTOSAI regions are automatically members of the CBC Steering Committee). For the CBC it is only logical that INTOSAI’s emphasis on well-functioning and professional INTOSAI regional organisations should form part of the professionalization agenda of INTOSAI.

The CBC therefore established a regional community of practice – the Regional Forum for Capacity Development – to share and address issues relating to regional capacity development and regional professionalism at a cross-regional and strategic level to promote regional strength and professionalism.

Ongoing activities




INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform
The INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform was created in 2017, with the purpose to provide a single platform to INTOSAI organs and regional organizations for tactical and operational coordination and alignment of common efforts, exploring synergies, tracking and evaluation of progress, and knowledge sharing.

Terms of Reference INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform

The second meeting of the INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform will take place in Cape Town, South Africa, on 22-23 May, 2019.



South Africa

Mr. Cobus Botes
Auditor-General of South Africa
P.O. Box 446
Pretoria 0001
South Africa Tel: +27 12 4268000
Fax: +27 12 4268256


Farewell from CBC vice chair Helena Lindberg

Farewell from CBC vice chair Helena Lindberg

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PASAI new strategy 2024-2034 now available

PASAI new strategy 2024-2034 now available

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Upcoming AFROSAI-E workshops in July

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