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The CBC is the INTOSAI advocate for, and custodian of, SAI capacity development. We facilitate initiatives in support of SAIs and regions, building their capacities and enhancing their capabilities.
In order for the CBC to fulfil this strategically important role, we believe the CBC needs to add value to the capacity-building sphere of INTOSAI. In our view, the CBC could and should do this by:


• strategically and constructively challenging current structures, priorities, programmes and activities, including identifying and addressing capacity-building overlaps, gaps and inconsistencies within INTOSAI;
partnering with those already in the capacity-building game, encouraging capacity-building providers and practitioners, especially the IDI, to focus on their areas of strength, enabling a greater impact of their efforts where possible;
championing closer cooperation between the CBC, PSC and KSC in the interest of capacity building and the efficient use of INTOSAI resources;
facilitating a greater capacity-building role for the INTOSAI regions, from both a participation and an accountability angle, while recognising their diversity;
• supporting capacity building through knowledge sharing, for example by championing communities of practice, supporting inter- and cross regional knowledge sharing, or encouraging coordinated audits;
supporting the verification or assessment of capacity-building efforts in the form of peer and/or self-assessments, such as ISSAI 5600 on peer reviews and the INTOSAI Performance Measurement Framework, or different forms of external evaluations; and
exploring opportunities and encouraging initiatives for the certification and accreditation of auditors, in coordination with the INTOSAI’s



PASAI newsletter December 2024

PASAI newsletter December 2024

Please find the latest edition of the PASAI newsletter here: PASAI Newsletter December 2024 Read about Expansion of PASAI's twinning project 200 years of audit excellence Introducing the new Auditor General of Australia Elevating SAI integrity with new ethics program...

AFROSAI-E Bulletin no. 4 2024

AFROSAI-E Bulletin no. 4 2024

Please find the final Bulletin for the year below, with some end-of-year reflections as well as reporting from the Technical Update earlier this year, and more, enjoy! You will find it here: AFROSAI-E Bulletin no. 4 2024

IRCP outcomes report now available

IRCP outcomes report now available

The INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform (IRCP) is a forum established to improve coordination and increase cooperation between INTOSAI’s global bodies and the regional organizations, and it has grown into the natural arena for global coordination of SAI capacity...