The CBC is the INTOSAI advocate for, and custodian of, SAI capacity development. We facilitate initiatives in support of SAIs and regions, building their capacities and enhancing their capabilities.
In order for the CBC to fulfil this strategically important role, we believe the CBC needs to add value to the capacity-building sphere of INTOSAI. In our view, the CBC could and should do this by:
• strategically and constructively challenging current structures, priorities, programmes and activities, including identifying and addressing capacity-building overlaps, gaps and inconsistencies within INTOSAI;
• partnering with those already in the capacity-building game, encouraging capacity-building providers and practitioners, especially the IDI, to focus on their areas of strength, enabling a greater impact of their efforts where possible;
• championing closer cooperation between the CBC, PSC and KSC in the interest of capacity building and the efficient use of INTOSAI resources;
• facilitating a greater capacity-building role for the INTOSAI regions, from both a participation and an accountability angle, while recognising their diversity;
• supporting capacity building through knowledge sharing, for example by championing communities of practice, supporting inter- and cross regional knowledge sharing, or encouraging coordinated audits;
• supporting the verification or assessment of capacity-building efforts in the form of peer and/or self-assessments, such as ISSAI 5600 on peer reviews and the INTOSAI Performance Measurement Framework, or different forms of external evaluations; and
• exploring opportunities and encouraging initiatives for the certification and accreditation of auditors, in coordination with the INTOSAI’s
AFROSAI-E Technical Conference coming up
Join us in Charting the Course for future-ready Supreme Audit Institutions! The annual Technical Conference will take place from 29 October to 1 November 2024 in Pretoria, South Africa. In an era marked by rapid change and increasing complexity, it is imperative for...
Celebrate Global Ethics Day with IntoSAINT
Strengthening Integrity and Trust in the Public Sector As we join the international community in celebrating Global Ethics Day on October 16th, 2024, it’s a perfect moment to reaffirm our commitment to fostering ethical conduct within public sector...
Enabling impact of public oversight through better understanding and use of audit results in parliament
IPU-IDI webinar series 2024 The webinar series soon to be carried out by IDI and IPU in October and November does link to the Goal 2 OP 2023-25 results areas 5 and 6 (page 8), and is thus a great opportunity for many to join. The events are targeted towards SAI...
Farewell from CBC vice chair Helena Lindberg
Dear CBC colleagues, dear friends, After seven years in the rewarding position as Auditor General of Sweden and five most inspiring and exciting years as the CBC vice chair, the time has come for me to bid farewell to these important roles - and to all of you. ...
PASAI new strategy 2024-2034 now available
The PASAI strategy 2024–2034 sets out the region's strategy for the 10 years to 2034. This strategy, which builds on the success of the previous strategy, was developed using feedback from development partners and comprehensive discussion with, and feedback from, SAI...
Citizen Participation in Government Audits through Digital Tools: Overview of Initiatives from Supreme Audit Institutions
Inter-American Development Bank publication: Please find below a recently developed publication by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), titled "Citizen Participation in Government Audits through Digital Tools: Overview of Initiatives from Supreme Audit...
Netherlands Court of Audit publishes online course on integrity in public sector
We are pleased to inform you that the Netherlands Court of Audit has published an e-learning course that may be of interest to you. The course covers IntoSAINT, a tool designed to facilitate the self-assessment of integrity within Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs)....
Blog: Four Essential Skills for Auditors in the “Next Normal” Era
The role of auditors is rapidly evolving due to technological advancements, regulatory changes, and global challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic. As we enter the "Next Normal" era, auditors need to be equipped with key skills to effectively operate in this complex...
Upcoming AFROSAI-E workshops in July
2-5 July: Annual Extractive Industries workshop in Dar es Salaam Over the years, our annual Extractive Industries Workshop has proven to be an invaluable gathering of representatives from member SAIs, industry experts, and practitioners from various institutions. This...
PASAI blog: Firefighting, saving lives and the value of Performance Audit
Read and be inspired by this blog by By Mike Scott, Director Performance Audit, PASAI: "...This got me thinking about the value of performance audit and how being a performance auditor isn’t as different as it might seem to being a firefighter. Being capable, timely...