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CBC blog: Striving for a sustainable CBC

CBC blog: Striving for a sustainable CBC

              By Johanna Gardmark, Senior International Advisor, Swedish National Audit Office   "As we are – hopefully – quickly approaching the end of a multi-year pandemic, it seems like a good time to pause a bit for...

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CBC Blogspot: Leave no SAI behind

CBC Blogspot: Leave no SAI behind

By Ahmed Ashaybani, General Director of Technical Cooperation,                                                                                                                                                                                                             ...

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SAI Kiribati: Our young journey in Human Resources

SAI Kiribati: Our young journey in Human Resources

by Enetty Ted Isopo, Auditor for Human Resources Division, SAI Kiribati I first started working with SAI Kiribati towards the end of 2019, so I was quite new when I was first introduced to the Human Resource (HR) Program in August 2020. I started as a financial...

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CBC Blog: The political in the public – persuading governments to act on audit findings

CBC blog spot: Power distance cultural dimension among auditors

Research in psychology promotes the idea that culture determines the manner in which organizations are structured and managed, the behavior of individuals within these organizations as well as how these individuals think. In the context of audit, auditors’ ability to...

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Leading in the pandemic: PASAI blog on leadership

Leading in the pandemic: PASAI blog on leadership

Leading in the pandemic: creating clarity, building resilience and charting a clear direction The COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented challenges to leaders of public and private sector organisations. The pandemic has required a swift leadership response to allow...

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Winners of The Prize 2021 – SAI The Gambia:

Winners of The Prize 2021 – SAI The Gambia:

Capacity Building in public sector auditing - The Journey to the Win This is a collaborative article by the The Gambia National Audit Office’s Performance Audit Unit Staff, winners of The Prize 2020. In a little over  five years, The Gambia National Audit Office has...

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IRCP outcomes report now available

IRCP outcomes report now available

The INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform (IRCP) is a forum established to improve coordination and increase cooperation between INTOSAI’s global bodies and the regional organizations, and it has grown into the natural arena for global coordination of SAI capacity...

AFROSAI-E Technical Conference coming up

AFROSAI-E Technical Conference coming up

Join us in Charting the Course for future-ready Supreme Audit Institutions! The annual Technical Conference will take place from 29 October to 1 November 2024 in Pretoria, South Africa. In an era marked by rapid change and increasing complexity, it is imperative for...