Competent people
Competent people are at the core of the audit profession and refers to the competencies that SAI auditors must have, or ensure they acquire and keep on developing, to be able to implement the applicable standards in line with the mandate of their organisation.

Human Resource Management A Guide for SAIs
GUID 1950
GUID 1951
EIP - Trust and Mutuality
EIP - Learning through interconnected systems
EIP - Unleashing local capabilities
INTOSAI Framework for Regional Professionalism 2016
Competency framework for public sector audit pr ofessionals at Supreme Audit Institutions
The future relevant value adding auditor
Developing Pathways forthe Professional Development ofAuditors in a Supreme Audit Institution (SAI)
ACCC Recruiting and retaining staff
Webinar and infographic
API - African Professionalisation Initiative
Asking the right questions – An API white paper on the questions government needs to ask for effective professional capacity building
NEWS for Competent people
A Step Towards Independence – My Journey in the PASAI HR Championship Program
By Ms Selai Managreve, SAI Tuvalu "SAI Tuvalu is on a transformative journey, and achieving independence in recruiting staff is a milestone that underscores our progress. In 2023, I embarked on this journey as a participant in the 18-month long...
Blog: The PASAI HR Champions Program
Strengthening enduring capabilities requires continuous learning and collaboration The SAI Performance Measurement Framework assessments that PASAI conducted under its last strategy, identified that most of the region's developing member SAIs are not...
Launch of first case study on professionalisation journeys of INTOSAI members
First case study available! Watch the videos on the first in a series of case studies on auditor professionalisation and competence management. In 2022 INTOSAI adopted ISSAI 150, GUIDS 1950 and 1951, and a new CBC HR Management Guide. These documents provide SAIs with...