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Blog: How a culture’s ‘power distance’ affects auditing

Blog: How a culture’s ‘power distance’ affects auditing

By Luke Eaton, Communications Advisor, PASAI Across the Pacific region the power distance dimension of culture varies. This refers to the relationships between people perceived to have different ‘statuses.’ In places with a low power distance, interactions are usually...

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Partnerships provide a pathway for enhanced competence

Partnerships provide a pathway for enhanced competence

Government has evolved drastically in recent years becoming more complex with increased and competing needs, despite its limited resources to effectively deliver services to citizens. It therefore has become critical that auditors who provide assurance in this...

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ISQM implementation enabling focused capacity development

ISQM implementation enabling focused capacity development

The value and benefits of implementing the International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM 1) In December 2020, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board released a new standard for the quality management of audits. The new International Standard on...

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CBC blog: Integration of big data in public sector auditing

CBC blog: Integration of big data in public sector auditing

  By Fredrick M. Bobo | Information Systems Audit Manager, AFROSAI-E "The concept of big data has been topical for the last few years. Understandably so because it has been one of the technological trends of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). When it comes to...

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Upcoming AFROSAI-E workshops in July

Upcoming AFROSAI-E workshops in July

2-5 July: Annual Extractive Industries workshop in Dar es Salaam Over the years, our annual Extractive Industries Workshop has proven to be an invaluable gathering of representatives from member SAIs, industry experts, and practitioners from various institutions. This...

AFROSAI-E Bulletin no. 1, 2024

AFROSAI-E Bulletin no. 1, 2024

The Office of the Auditor General of Uganda played a crucial role in hosting the 20th AFROSAI-E Governing Board Meeting and 2024 Strategic Review in the beginning of May. The event was attended by over 130 delegates, including the Auditors General from member SAIs,...